Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Trip to Prambanan Hindu Temple

The Prambanan Hindu Temple is highly affected by the Earthquake in 2008, Major works is under progress to restore the temple during my visit. Rocks has fallen out of the temple structures. however it is amazing to see the great structures ever built by man in the past. The hinduism is very much related to the javanese people especially in the island of Bali. But most traditions of the hindus and the names of the javanese people are depictions of the javanese.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wonosari Kids Fun Park, Yogyakarta

Wonosari Kids fun park is a must go place. It is located in the outskirt of the city of Yogyakarta. The town is wonosari. A lot of waterplays are provided including a swimmingpool for kids. Bumper cars, Dinosour rides, mini Formula 1 cars, mini Harley davidsons and more. I really enjoyed my day at the park and wanted to visit again if i have the chance.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Trip to Borobudur Temple

My Vacation to the Borobudur Temple , located 45 minutes drive from the city of Yogyakarta.